On the occasion of the 17th Foundation Day of the SME Chamber of India, the chamber is organising its annual flagship event “India SME leadership Summit” in association with Indian SME Knowledge Forum and India International Trade Centre (IITC- India) with the support of the Government of Maharashtra on August 26 in Mumbai.

The growth story of small and medium enterprises will be highlighted at the event. The discussions at the event will range from the challenges and opportunities of the SME sector in India to the emerging market opportunities for SMEs and role of SMEs in national growth. Good governance, effective leadership, new technologies for growth, and business ethics for SMEs will also be discussed at the summit.

Outstanding entrepreneurs will be given the “SME Excellence Awards” and “India SME Innovation Awards” for their achievements in various business sectors.

Dr Subir Gokarn, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, will be among those addressing the summit.