While most bamboo growers were voicing concerns about marketability of the bamboo at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB) here recently, representatives of Uravu, a Kerala-based non-governmental organisation begged to differ on that count.

Displaying some edible items prepared from bamboo shoot and bamboo handicraft products, Baburaj, President and Founder of Uravu, told Business Line that the organisation implemented programmes for sustainable development of rural areas and disadvantaged social groups.

The edible items prepared with bamboo shoots on display included pickle, laddoo , bamboo rice, a powder mix, bamboo chocolate and candy.

And the self-help group that showcased the stuff said that such items were a hit everywhere.

“There is a huge market for products prepared from the bamboo shoot. Some of the items are seasonal though. The season for shoot procurement is between June and September. We process the shoots for preparation of pickles and other such items,” said a member of a Thirukkaipetta Bamboo Shoot Processing Unit.

While such delicacies are not available at the local shops here, the lady said that the group supplied the value-added products to Kudumbashree unit and aroma fresh organic shops which has four outlets including one at Bangalore.

“We also participate in expos. Last month alone, we sold products worth ₹3.50 crore at expos,” she said.

Uravu, which is focused on end-to-end programmes for the development of the bamboo sector not only sells bamboo saplings but also organises awareness programmes to promote commercially viable bamboo.

It also helps bamboo farmers prepare value-added products such as bamboo bags, pens, bangles, ear-studs, ornamental lamp-holders.

The organisation, according to Baburaj, sells 20 lakh bamboo saplings every year.

“We have a bamboo garden at Wayanad, where 40 different varieties of bamboo are grown.”

The organisation also imparts training on bamboo crafts and processing for the benefit of small farmers and women.

Besides local farmers, groups from Nigeria and Israel have also undergone training at the centre on bamboo cultivation and craft, Baburaj said.