Domestic rubber prices made a smart recovery on Thursday. The physical market improved further tracking the sharp gains on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. According to an analyst, the market seemed to be moving under speculators and hence, traders were advised to remain cautious at higher levels. There has been no visible improvement in arrivals and the volumes were comparatively low. Sheet rubber flared up to Rs 205.50 (201.50) a kg, according to traders. The grade increased to Rs 205 (202) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi, as reported by the Rubber Board.

The September series improved to Rs 211.35 (205.22), October to Rs 209.15 (203.28), November to Rs 209.09 (203.07), December to Rs 209.75 (203.75), January to Rs 211.80 (205.64) and February to Rs 212.50 (206.60) a kg for RSS 4 on the NMCE. The August futures expired at ¥350.5 (Rs 209.10) a kg while the September futures slipped to ¥354 (Rs 211.25) from ¥354.8 during the day session and then bounced back to ¥356.6 (Rs 212.80) a kg in the night session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) moved up to Rs 213.14 (212.90) a kg at Bangkok.

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 205.50 (201.50); RSS-5: 198 (195); ungraded: 187 (186); ISNR 20: 197 (196) and latex 60 per cent: 127.50 (126).