Spot rubber declined on Monday. Another bearish closing in the domestic and international futures put further pressure on sentiments during the day.

There were no fresh enquiries in the market and it slipped mainly on buyer resistance. Marginal selling pressure from dealers was also experienced during closing hours. The transactions were dull.

Sheet rubber weakened to Rs 213.50 (215) a kg, according to traders. The grade slipped to Rs 214 (215) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi, as reported by the Rubber Board.

In futures, the July series surrendered to Rs 210.13 (213.54), August to Rs 212.90 (215.97), September to Rs 212 (214.93), October to Rs 213 (216.13), November to Rs 213.50 (216.50) and December to Rs 215.10 (219.70) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 declined to Rs 209.60 (212.47) a kg at Bangkok. The July futures for the grade dropped to ¥380 (Rs 209.55) from ¥389.6 during the day session and then to ¥378 (Rs 208.45) a kg in the night session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 213.50 (215); RSS-5: 211 (213); ungraded: 208 (209); ISNR 20: 211 (214) and latex 60 per cent: 137 (138).