Spot rubber finished unchanged on Tuesday. The market lost its direction following weakness on NMCE. It also appeared to be in a holiday mood owing to “Miladi Sherif.” The volumes were low.

Sheet rubber closed flat at Rs 238.00 a kg according to traders. The grade improved further to Rs 238.50 (237.50) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi according to Rubber Board.

RSS 4 declined at its February series to Rs 235.60 (237.83), March to Rs 240.80 (243.96), April to Rs 249.60 (253.06) and May to Rs 254.10 (257.75) a kg on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

The volumes totalled 12,784 lots and open interest 14,253 lots. The turnover was Rs 312.99 crore.

The February futures for RSS 3 improved to ¥ 532.5 (Rs 289.90) from ¥ 527.0 a kg during the day session but then surrendered to ¥ 520.0 (Rs 283.09) in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM). The grade (spot) increased to Rs 290.05 (288.73) a kg at Bangkok.

The spot rubber rates in Rs per kg were: RSS-4: 238.00 (238.00), RSS-5: 228.00 (228.00), Ungraded: 224.00 (224.00), ISNR 20: 235.00 (235.00) and Latex 60 per cent: 149.00 (149.00)