For the third consecutive week, offers for Coonoor Tea Trade Association’s auctions have hit new highs. The 21.14 lakh kg offered for the sale to be held on Thursday and Friday is the highest volume this year.

It surpasses the hitherto highest volume offered last week by as much 1.11 lakh kg. It is as much as 4.60 lakh kg more than the offer this time last year.

Of the 21.14 lakh kg on offer, 15.54 lakh kg belongs to the leaf grades and 5.60 lakh kg belongs to the dust grades. As much as 19.97 lakh kg belongs to the CTC variety and only 1.17 lakh kg to the orthodox variety. The proportion of orthodox teas continues to be low in both the leaf and dust grades. In the leaf counter, only 0.68 lakh kg belongs to orthodox while 14.86 lakh kg was CTC. Among the dusts, only 0.49 lakh kg was orthodox while 5.11 lakh kg was CTC.

A substantial portion of this huge volume comprises fresh teas totalling 18.59 lakh kg. About 2.55 lakh kg comprises teas which were unsold in previous auctions. The increased offer is due to two factors – one, the Nilgiri harvest has been high due to periodical showers and two, the arrival of teas for the auctions from other districts which was fuelled by the encouraging prices of the last few weeks.