Neelam Gorhe, deputy chairperson of the State Legislative Council, has directed the State Labour Department, Sugar Commissioner and Health Department to ensure that cane cutter women are provided with basic sanitation and health facilities during the cane cutting season.


Every year, thousands of women from the Marathwada region migrate to the sugar belt of the State to cut cane. Gorhe said that the probe committee appointed to study the status of cane-cutter women will submit its report by this month end.

Following reports published in BusinessLine on April 9 and 11, highlighting the widespread hysterectomy surgeries among cane-cutters in Beed district, the Maharashtra government had appointed this committee.

Gorhe, who is part of the Committee said that immediate steps must be taken to resolve problems faced by the cane-cutter community. “The Labour Department must gather the information on availability of toilets in sugar factory premises and provide mobile toilets wherever required” said Gorhe. She added that the Health Department, Labour Department and Sugar Commissioner must ensure health checkups for cane cutters before the start of cane crushing season. She added that men and women cane-cutters must be paid equally and mobile hospitals must be deployed near sugar factories

BusinessLine had highlighted that many cane-cutters in the drought-affected Beed district go in for a hysterectomy as they have to pay a fine to the contractor if they take a break from cane cutting during menstruation.

The National Commission for Women had taken cognisance of the reports and issued a notice to the State Chief Secretary.