As much as 90 per cent of the 9.35 lakh kg on offer at Sale No: 3 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auction was sold despite average prices rising by about ₹2 a kg from last week’s ₹95.14 to ₹97.05 due to increased demand.

Pekoe Dust grade of Vigneshwar Speciality, auctioned by Paramount Tea Marketing, topped the Dust auction and the entire CTC market when Leybros Agro Products and Co bought it for ₹251/kg. Darmona Estate’s Super Red Dust, auctioned by Paramount Tea Marketing, followed it when Jay Kay Enterprises bought it for ₹240.

Homedale Estate’s Red Dust (₹228) and Pekoe Dust (₹220), both auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, were the other two Dust grades in the high-price bracket. Homedale Estate’s Broken Pekoe, auctioned by Global Tea Brokers, grade topped the Leaf auctions fetching ₹211.

In the orthodox tea market, Kairbetta topped at ₹256/kg followed by Kodanad ₹252, Havukal ₹240 and Chamraj ₹239.

Quotations held by brokers indicated bids ranging ₹68-75 per kg for plain leaf grades and ₹110-170 for brighter liquoring sorts. They ranged ₹79- 86 for plain dusts and ₹120-190 for brighter liquoring dusts.