Production of pearl millets has improved significantly over the years despite a 22 per cent decline in area, noted Ishwar Singh Solanki, Assistant Director General (Food and Fodder Crop), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, hailing the private sector seed companies for their effort.

But the Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University K Ramasamy voiced his objection to this by stating that the contribution by the private companies was only 17 per cent against the 83 per cent by public sector.

“Despite the constraints in research funding, scientists in the public system were the first to identify hybrids. We have until now concentrated only on enhancing productivity,” Ramasamy said, urging the research community to look into quality parameters and nutritional values.

But the research fund allocation is a 15 per cent and more often not enough to conduct field trails, he said, emphasising upon the ICAR to give greater impetus to funding for research.

Delivering the special address at 50th Annual Group Meet of all India Coordinated Research Project on Pearl Millets, Solanki called upon the researchers to look at improving nutritional factors, production without compromising on quality and water conservation techniques. “Go for demand-driven achievement to popularise these millets,” he said.