The global black tea production so far this calendar has increased by 13.25 per cent over the same period of 2017. This has happened because the loss in India has been offset by the gains in Africa and Sri Lanka. “Based on the data received from various producing countries, our compilation shows that the total production of black tea so far has increased to 151.12 million kg (mkg) from 133.44 mkg in 2017. This increase of 17.68 mkg marked a growth of 13.25 per cent,” said Rajesh Gupta, compiler of annual ‘Global Tea Digest’.

Kenya posted the highest increase of 13.17 mkg to reach 68.77 mkg. Another African country, Malawi, posted an increase of 21.15 per cent over 5.20 mkg to reach 6.30 mkg, while Sri Lanka’s output has increased to 45.33 mkg from 39.71 mkg.

“On the contrary, India’s output dropped to 30.35 mkg from 32.75 mkg due to adverse weather conditions in both the North and South. This fall of 2.40 mkg marked a decline of 7.33 per cent,” Gupta said.