The Tea Board has notified all registered buyers under the Tea Marketing Control Order (TMCO), 2003 to comply with the disclosure norms as specified in Para 6(iii) of the Food Safety Standard (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations 2011, particularly while selling imported teas in India.

The notification was issued after the Board intercepted from its records that, out of the 60.35 million kilograms of tea imported in the last three years, only 23.43 mln kg have been re-exported, while the remaining 36.92 mln kg have been sold in India.

Stating that the Board was given to understand that the imported teas were sold without complying with the FSS(P&L) Regulations 2011, the Board has urged all TMCO registered buyers to comply with the regulations while selling imported teas in India or face appropriate action, which might include cancellation or suspension of registration as per the provisions of the TMCO.

As per Para 6 (iii) of FSS(P&L) Regulations 2011, when an article of food is imported into India, the food package bear on the label – the originating country from where the food article was imported, the name and complete address of the importer and the premises of packing or bottling in India.