With farmers reeling from extensive crop damage caused by unseasonal rainfall and hailstorms through the Rabi crop harvesting season, the board of India’s largest fertiliser cooperative IFFCO on Thursday approved a Rs.10 crore assistance package for distressed cultivators.

After proper estimation, an assistance of up to ₹ 25,000 will be provided for distressed cultivators.

Additionally, the cooperative giant has pledged to give ₹ 1 lakh to the family of Gajendra Singh, the 41-year-old farmer from Rajasthan, who allegedly hanged himself here earlier this week.

The financial relief will be routed through the IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust that was constituted to help farmers in need, said the cooperative in a statement.

“We will mobilise our marketing staff, member societies, delegates and even Directors to identify acutely distressed farmers…we will provide support apart from any other assistance they get from the Government,” said US Awasthi, Managing Director, IFFCO, adding that the company would undertake the identification exercise over the next three months