Imported palmolein, soya and sunflower oil extended gain by ₹2-5 per 10 kg each on the BCE taking lead from firm foreign markets amid recovery in rupee against dollar which makes imports cheaper.

Tracking bullish overseas report, local refineries increased their rates. During the day, 250-300 tonnes of palmolein were resold at ₹644-654 for ready.

At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin was at ₹1,325 (1,320) and loose (10 kg) was flat at ₹825. BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 860 (860), soya ref. 735 (730), sunflower exp. ref. 672 (670), sunflower ref. 725 (724), rapeseed ref. 770 (770), rapeseed exp. ref. 740 (740), cottonseed ref. 735 (725) and palmolein 645 (643).