African nations are now being traded in reforming agriculture marketing system, including infrastructure, thanks to the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur, which trains delegates from countries such as Kenya, Liberia and Malawi under the USAID, India & Africa Trilateral agreement. The programme aims at strengthening the agricultural marketing and market advisory services in African nationsthrough exposure to Indian training and best practices, a press release from the institute said.

The institute organises two training programmes each for three months with 60 delegates attending each time. Visits undertaken by the delegates to Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee yards in Vadodara and a few in Karnataka have helped them understand the nuances of marketing farm produce.

“Schemes such as Grammen Bhandaran Yojana which are being implemented here may be replicated in these countries and are a prerequisite for attracting private investment in infrastructure development,” said MS Jairath, Director, NIAM.