An incoming western disturbance has moved in closer in the form of a cyclonic circulation to the hills of North-West India as it lay this (Wednesday) morning over North Pakistan with an overarching trough over Central Pakistan. It has already started influencing weather over North-West India.

India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast isolated rainfall/snowfall over the northern parts of Uttarakhand for the rest of the day on Wednesday. Dense to very dense fog may descend over parts of Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh on Thursday morning.

Avalanche outlook for Himachal

The Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment at Chandigarh concurred by retaining a level 2 danger (low) in terms of avalanche outlook for Chamba, Lahaul-Spiti and Kullu in Himachal Pradesh till the evening. This is replete with partly unsafe conditions with possible small size triggering along a few extreme slopes. Valley movements are generally safe while movements along slopes need caution.

Meanwhile, low night temperatures are unfolding South of the Vindhyas with temperatures being markedly below normal (by 5.1 Degrees Celsius or lower) in Madhya Maharashtra, Vidarbha and Telangana; appreciably below normal (by 3.1-5.0 Degrees Celsius) in Coastal Andhra Pradesh; and below normal (by 1.6-3.0 Degree Celsius) in Rayalaseema, Interior Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry) on Tuesday.

Skymet hints at unseasonal rain

Minimum temperatures (night) are expected to look up by 2-4 Degrees Celsius over most parts of Maharashtra during the next 4-5 days, the IMD said. A similar outlook is valid for East and Central India too. No significant change in night temperatures is indicated over the country during next five days.

Meanwhile, private forecaster Skymet Weather said it expects unseasonal rains to break over Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, parts of Odisha, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, parts of Telangana, Interior Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in the latter part of this month (February).

Not pre-monsoon showers

Between February 16 and 20, scattered rain and thundershowers may occur over these states. These should not be treated as pre-monsoon showers. The unseasonal showers are attributed to likely formation and movement of a cyclonic circulation across East Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Vidarbha region.

A trough will likely extend from here South Tamil Nadu across Telangana and Interior Karnataka which would be fed by moisture mopped up from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea by south-easterly and south-westerly winds. The IMD has already come out with mostly similar outlook for the region.