Subdued demand from blenders and regional buyers impacted tea prices at the Kochi auctions this week.

The CTC dust market was ₹3 to ₹10 lower in sale no 40, witnessing some withdrawals as well. However the drop was less for low priced teas. The average price realised this week was ₹127.97 (₹133.81) on a quantity of 7,22,408.80 kg on offer. Exporters operated on grainier varieties and there was improved upcountry demand, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

Due to subdued demand from CIS countries, arrivals of orthodox varieties was very low at 4,000. However, the market was steady to firm and exporters continue to be the major stakeholder of orthodox dust.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, good varieties fetched ₹116-179, mediums quoted ₹98-144 and plain grades stood at ₹82-100.

In the leaf category, the market for select best Nilgiri brokens, whole-leaf and Fannings in orthodox varieties was steady to firm and occasionally dearer. The quantity on offer was 1,19,000 kg. The price relaisation was ₹130.97 compared to ₹139.05 of the previous week.

In CTC leaf, the market for brokens barely remained steady and tended to ease. The quantity on offer was 45,500 kg.

Monica SFD quoted the best prices of ₹179 in dust varieties, while Chamraj FOP-Sup (Green Tea) came to the top in leaf quoting ₹321.