Low arrivals and subdued demand from buyers, including exporters, impacted the prices of several tea varieties at the Kochi auctions. The market for good liquoring teas in CTC dust were barely steady and tended to ease by Rs 2 to Rs 3. As the sale progressed, the decline in prices was more at Rs 3-5 and also witnessed a lot of withdrawal towards the close. However, the drop was less at the bottom levels, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

The quantity on offer in sale no 7 was 7,28,500 kg. There was subdued demand from loose tea traders and upcountry buyers. Export enquiry was also negligible. The orthodox market was also lower by Rs 2 to Rs 3 and the quantity on offer was 3,500 kg. Of this, exporters absorbed a small quantity.

In the leaf category, the market for Nilgiri brokens and whole leaf in orthodox grades was lower, with longer margins of Rs 5 to Rs 10. The quantity on offer was 1,23,000 kg. However, there was good demand for CTC leaf, with the market for good liquoring brokens and Fannings remaining steady. The quantity on offer was 43,000 kg.

Puduthottam SFD and SRD quoted the best prices of Rs 156 in the dust varieties, while Kodanaad TGFOP was on top in the leaf grades, quoting Rs 352.