Three successive cyclones in the last few weeks have delayed the rabi sowing in Andhra Pradesh. The State could complete sowing on just 16 lakh acres as on today as against the as-on-date sowing on 25 lakh acres last year.

Heavy rains, that lashed the coastal districts, had delayed kharif harvesting as the farmers were busy handling the water-logging in the fields and salvaging the standing crop.

The State has slightly increased the acreage target for the season to 59 lakh acres for this rabi from the season normal of 57 lakh acres. The officials of the Agriculture Department are confident of reaching the target backed by good rainfall in the last few weeks.

Paddy, which is supposed to be covered on 4.35 lakh acres by now, is sown only on 3 lakh acres. The State has targeted to sow paddy on 20 lakh acres.

Sowing of bengal gram, an important rabi crop in the State, too, is on a slow pace. The farmers, who would have completed the sowing on 10 lakh acres by now, could complete only 7.7 lakh acres.

The total sowing across all foodgrain are completed in 16 lakh acres, which is 6 lakh acres lower than last year’s as-on-date sowings figure of 22 lakh acres.

Pink bollworm attack

Meanwhile, the standing kharif cotton crop faces sucking pest and pink bollworm in an extent of 2.5 lakh acres, according to the a report available from the Agri Department.