Natural rubber growers should turn to sheet making to get the maximum advantage of the rubber production Incentive scheme, said KN Raghavan, Executive Director, Rubber Board.

The incentive scheme is being implemented by the Kerala government in collaboration with the Rubber Board to ensure a minimum price of ₹170 per kg for rubber produced by farmers in Kerala. As per the scheme, the farmers who sell their produce as latex will only get ₹161 after deducting ₹9 as processing charge per kg. They will not be able to take full advantage of the scheme when the price of latex remains lower than that of sheet rubber.

The peak season for rubber production is round the corner, and the farmers who continue to sell latex may incur losses if they pursue with latex. Hence farmers who have necessary infrastructure to process latex can turn to sheet making, Raghavan added.

He also urged the Presidents of the Rubber Producers’ Societies, having the facility for group processing, to come forward to help the growers who do not have such facilities at their premises.

The rubber growers who have not yet registered in the scheme can also register now. Registration will be open up to November 30. For a new registration, the growers should produce a copy of Adhar Card/ Pan Card/ Driving License/Passport and a copy of bank passbook along with the current year land tax receipt and a photograph at respective Rubber Producer’s Societies (RPSs).

The growers who have already registered should renew it by submitting the latest land tax receipt. For those who register now, purchase/sale bills from July 1 only will be considered.