Spot rubber ended in the red on Thursday. RSS 4 declined to ₹120 (121.50) and 120.50 (121.50) per kg respectively, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The same slid to ₹116.50 (117.50) per kg as reported by the dealers.

Certain tyre companies were active in the market but they kept their buyer rates much below the genuine seller quotations. This put immense pressure on small growers to sell their produce at lower levels in a panic.

In futures, July contracts surrendered to ₹120.91 (121.47) and August to ₹121.06 (123.01) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX). The near-month July delivery was down by 0.46 per cent with a volume of 57 lots and total trade value of ₹68.36 Lakhs.

RSS 3 improved at its July futures to ₹101.70 (101.22) per kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM). SMR 20 firmed up to ₹87.26 (86.68 ) while Latex 60% dropped to ₹87.17 (88.40) per kg at Kualalumpur. RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹115.05 (115.56) per kg at Bangkok.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) : RSS-4: 120 (121.50); RSS-5: 117 (118); ISNR 20: 107.50 (108) and Latex (60% drc): 85 (86).