Spot rubber finished unchanged on Wednesday. The market activities appeared neutral lacking fresh incentives specific to rubber to set a definite trend. Volumes were extremely poor.

Meanwhile in the international market, natural rubber prices were seen edging up paring the initial losses. Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) futures gained nearly two per cent on short supplies and weakening yen. However, lingering concerns over European debt crisis and uncertain economic outlook might limit the gains, analysts said.

Sheet rubber closed steady at Rs 200 a kg, according to traders. The grade improved to Rs 200.50 (200) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi, as reported by the Rubber Board.

The December series weakened to Rs 199 (201.50), January to Rs 199.10 (203.06), February to Rs 201.54 (205.79), March to Rs 205.35 (209.41), April to Rs 209 (213.50) and May to Rs 210.60 (212.80) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) recovered partially to Rs 181.77 (180.25) a kg at Bangkok. The December futures increased to ¥260 (Rs 178.96) from ¥257 a kg during the day session on the TOCOM.

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 200 (200); RSS-5: 197 (197); ungraded: 190 (190); ISNR 20: 188.50 (188.50) and latex 60 per cent: 110 (110).