Spot rubber finished almost steady on Monday.

According to sources, the transactions continued to be low and there were no fresh factors, to set a definite trend in the market.

But RSS 4, the only loser of the day slid marginally on buyer resistance amidst scattered transactions.

Sheet rubber declined to Rs 196 (Rs 196.50) a kg, according to traders.

The grade weakened to Rs 195.50 (Rs 196) both at Kottayam and Kochi as reported by the Rubber Board.

August futures closed at Rs 195 (Rs 195.47), September at Rs 186.33 (Rs 185.28), October at Rs 177.10 (Rs 175.78), November at Rs 170.50 (Rs 169.59) and December at Rs 170 (170.25) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 August futures closed at ¥258.5 (Rs 163.08) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (Rs/kg) : RSS-4: 196 (196.50); RSS-5: 192 (192); Ungraded: 182 (182); ISNR 20: 177 (177) and Latex 60 per cent: 165 (165).