Tamil Nadu State Government enterprise Tamilnadu Tea Plantation Corporation (Tantea) has, for the first time, bagged The Golden Leaf Award: Southern Tea Competition, a joint initiative of Tea Board and the United Planters’ Association of South India (Upasi). “Our flagship manufacturing facility, Tigerhill Tea Factory, has won this prestigious award for 2015 in ‘Nilgiris – Orthodox Broken’ category”, Tantea Managing Director (in-charge) P Raguram Singh said. “This is recognition of our strenuous efforts in quality upgradation – a vital factor to fight the slump in market due to adverse market forces. Such quality recognition helps to fetch quality buying support. Tantea is among the largest black tea produces in South India,” he noted. “We also used the business-to-business meet held coinciding with the Award ceremony to showcase to buyers from across the country varieties of our other products including Green Tea, White Tea and flavoured teas,” he added.