Prices of almost all varieties of tea have declined at the Kochi tea auction. In Sale No. 14, the quantity on offer in CTC dust category was 7,54,500 kg.

Dust sale

The market opened on a steady to firm note for good liquoring teas, while others were irregular and lower by Rs 3 to Rs 5. As the sale progressed, all varieties were lower by Rs 5 to Rs 10 particularly towards the close of the sale.

The drop was more in the case of high-priced teas compared to other varieties. Approximately 25 per cent was auctioned, auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

Orthodox dust also witnessed only a fair demand. The quantity on offer was 20,000 kg and the market was lower by Rs 5 to Rs 10. Bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted at Rs 115/133, RD grades ruled at Rs 130/152, SRD stood at Rs 136/158 and SFD at Rs 135/158.

Leaf sale

Leaf sale also witnessed a fair demand with prices showing a declining trend. The quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was 59,000 kg.

Market for select best Nilgiri Brokens and Whole Leaf barely remained steady. Others were irregular and lower with longer margins of Rs 10 to Rs 15 and sometimes more.

Corresponding Fannings witnessed a weak feature and declined in value. A small quantity of medium tippy grades and brokens were barely steady.

Others were irregular and lower. Medium whole leaf registered a weak feature and declined in value. Medium Fannings were dearer.

The quantity on offer in CTC leaf was 78,000 kg. The market was irregular and lower by Rs 3 to Rs 5 and sometimes more.

In the dust category, Injipara (Prm) SFD quoted the best prices of Rs 167 followed by Jayshree (Prm) SRD at Rs 161. In the leaf grades, Chamraj Green FOP (S) fetched the best prices of Rs 456 followed by Kodanaad TGFOP (S) at Rs 228.