After resuming normalcy a couple of sales ago, the auctions of Coonoor Tea Trade Association (CTTA) suffered disruptions again this week.

This time, it was not due to the lockdown but the technical snag developed by e-auction platform operated by NSEIT.

“We are upset that that the NSEIT which runs the system has deployed an update without testing its suitability and correct functioning resulting in the connectivity getting logged out frequently thereby crashing the auction proceedings,” CTTA Vice-Chairman L Vairavan told BusinessLine.

“This problem was faced in other auction centres as well this week. So, Tea Board advised us to postpone Sale 22 scheduled for Thursday by a day. Accordingly, we rescheduled the Leaf auctions to take place on Friday and Dust auctions on Saturday,” he explained.

“However, on Friday, the connectivity was cut at least six times in the forenoon itself. We represented to the Executive Director of Tea Board who has taken up the matter with NSEIT,” he said.

“Besides, buyers who made payments for their purchase are unable to download their delivery orders which means, the bought teas will not move out of warehouses, but the overstay there will attract wasteful and avoidable warehousing and halt charges. For the industry and trade operating on thin margins in the post-Covid-19 situation, such losses will be too heavy to bear,” he observed.

“Consequently, we will not be able to continue with the auctions on Saturday (tomorrow) if we face disruptions in NSEIT that day. If NSEIT rectifies the lapse, we will proceed with the auctions,” he added.