The Tobacco Board is likely to go in for further cut in crop size in Andhra Pradesh next year. Last year, it reduced the crop size by 5 per cent in Andhra Pradesh and 3 per cent in Karnataka. The board sees a definite, though small shift to other alternative crops. The board regulates and monitors the crop size (of FCV tobacco). It fixes crop size at the beginning of each season after considering the appeal from the tobacco industry on the quantity they would require.

“We are looking at a reduction of 5 per cent or 10 per cent in Andhra Pradesh. The Board would, however, take a call on this later,” Mr G. Kamalavardhana Rao, Chairman of Tobacco Board, said.

About 4,000 farmers in Krishna district have chosen to cultivate maize, cotton and Bengal gram as an alternative to tobacco.

There are 1.28 lakh tobacco farmers in the Board regulated areas. Regarding rehabilitation package for those who want to shift, he said that the Government was examining a project report.

Crop size

Addressing a press conference here on Wednesday, he said the total crop size was pruned to 263 million kg for 2011-12 against 270 mkg in the preceding three years.

Though the size was fixed about 270 mkg in those three years, the actual crop marketed averaged about 315 mkg for the period.

Last year, the quantity that was marketed dwindled to 168 mkg due to glut in the international markets.

The board, however, anticipates more appetite from the market, resulting in higher production.

“We are planning to reduce the crop size zone-wise. ITC gave us in writing that it doesn't want tobacco grown in black soils of Krishna district and some other coastal areas,” he said.
