Spot turmeric prices decreased at Erode markets due to poor demand from North India.“Despite a poor arrival of 3,500 bags, the traders procured fifty per cent stocks at a lower price due to very poor upcountry demand. We are expecting the upcountry demand to pick up only in August,” said RKV Ravishankar, President, Erode Turmeric Merchants Association.

At the Erode Turmeric Merchants Association sales yard, the finger turmeric was sold at ₹4,698-7,509 a quintal; the root variety ₹4,369-7,088. Of the arrival of 1,013 bags, 410 were sold.

At the Regulated Market Committee, the finger turmeric traded at ₹6,098-7,599; the root variety ₹6,009-7,170. Of the arrival of 333 bags, 263 were traded.

At the Erode Cooperative Marketing Society, the finger turmeric fetched ₹6,039-7,011; the root variety ₹5,969-6,869. Of the 757 bags on offer, 452 were sold.