Wheat procurement by government agencies has gathered pace on higher market arrivals in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The procurement at a minimum support price of ₹1,735 a quintal has crossed 20.5-million tonne (mt) as of April 23, almost one mt higher than corresponding last year’s 19.49 mt, according to the data released by the Food Ministry.

In Haryana, the purchases stood at 6.94 mt (6.15 mt) against a targetted 7.4 mt , almost same as that of last year’s 7.43 mt.

However, in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh, purchases so far this year are lower than corresponding last year’s levels. The agencies have bought 8.1 mt in Punjab (8.37 mt).

Similarly, in Madhya Pradesh, the procurement is lower at 3.68 mt (4.06 mt). In UP, the largest wheat producer, procurement this year has crossed one million tonnes(0.42 mt). Arrivals are higher at 1.26 mt (0.72 mt) . The government has set a procurement target of 4 mt against last year’s 3.66 mt.

Total procurement target for the 2018-19 rabi marketing season has been fixed at 32 mt — marginally higher than last year’s 30.82 mt.

The Agriculture Ministry is expecting a wheat production of 97.11 mt (98.51 mt). The recent unseasonal rains across in key growing regions had triggered quality concerns on the quality front. Wheat stocks in the Central pool stood at 13.23 mt (8 mt) as of April 1 this year., higher than corresponding last year’s 8 mt.