The Andhra Pradesh Government has spent ₹55,086 crore in capital expenditure in the last three financial years to create infrastructure in the State. 

According to latest Government data, the average capital expenditure from 2019-20 to 2021-22 is ₹18,362 crore. The capital expenditure was higher in 2020-21 at ₹20,690 crore while in 2019-20 and 2021-22 it was at ₹16,795 crore. 

“Substantial expenditure is being made towards moderning and upgrading the infrastructure in all government schools. Apart from this, infrastructure is being created at three levels of healthcare facilities in the state,’‘ the State Government said in a note on the financial situation in the state in the backdrop of criticism on ‘mismanagement’ of state finances in the on-going assembly sessions. 

As per government claims, the average expenditure incurred towards capital outlay increased during the period of the present YSRCP Government compared to the previous government led by the Telugu Desam Party (TDP). The capital expenditure incurred during 2014-15 to 2018-19 was pegged at ₹76,139 crore, by the present government. 

With regard to devolution of central taxes, the share of Andhra Pradesh during 2021-22 was lower at 32.56 per cent, compared to 36.63 percent in 2018-19. 

The CAGR of the State Government debt during the first three years of present government was 12.73 per cent, while in the first five years after the State’s bifurcation when TDP was in power, it was at 17.45 per cent, the note said.