Gas-based power plants have sought relaxations to tide through Covid-19 induced economic impact.

“As payments from Discoms have come to a complete standstill, the generating plants are facing severe cash/liquidity issues in making payments for their supplies,” a letter from the Association of Power Producers to the centre said.

“In this current situation, the generators desperately need some immediate relief measures in order to ensure that in these turbulent times, the supply of power is not disrupted. We request your consideration for the following measures for gas-based power plants,” the letter said.

The Association said that regasification terminals should not levy ‘Use or Pay’ charges for lower utilisation of regasification facilities during calendar year 2020. An extension of due date for payment of regasification charges, without any interest or penalty, by three months for all bills raised between March 15 and June 30 has also been sought.

The Association has also sought a three-month credit period, without interest or penalty, on supply of gas, for all bills raised between March 15 and June 30.