Countries around the world, mostly from the Third World, have shown interest in receiving training from India on conducting elections, according to the top Indian diplomat to the US.

“There is considerable interest in this (on receiving training) from countries around the world,” Ms Meera Shankar said, noting that the Election Commission is setting up an institute which will provide training on conducting polls.

“The primary purpose is to train our own staff and people, but a lot of interest is being expressed in this from across the world,” she told reporters here.

Ms Shankar said the Third World countries have mainly shown interest in receiving training from India on conducting elections.

“Once we meet our own requirement, we are open to looking at providing training in this to other countries as well,” she said.

Early this week, the Chief Election Commissioner, Mr S.Y. Quraishi, had a series of meetings with officials at the State Department and other government agencies.

“This is part of our ongoing dialogue that we have with the United States between our election commissions,” the Indian Ambassador said.

Ms Shankar said that the Secretary of State, Ms Hillary Clinton, in her discussions with the External Affairs Minister, Mr S.M. Krishna, early this month referred to the possibility of India engaging with Egypt on the issue of conducting democratic elections.

“Because of our own experience in conducting democratic elections and the whole electoral process, we have said that we would consult the Egyptians. Whatever we do would be in response to their priorities and their requirements,” she said.