Several Indian professionals will be adversely affected by Britain's new immigration rules that come into effect tomorrow as part of the David Cameron Government's efforts to reduce migration from non-European Union countries.

The new immigration regime includes tighter rules for students, limits on skilled professionals and new restrictions on the settlement of migrants who are already in Britain.

The HSMP Forum, a campaign group espousing the cause of Indian and other non-EU migrants, today said the new restrictions on migrants already in Britain will cause considerable problems for Indian and other non-EU professionals.

Indian professionals already in Britain will face retrospective changes to their visa status from tomorrow, including a higher level of salary necessary for their continuing stay, and the stipulation that any application for settlement should be free of any convictions, including fines for driving offences imposed by a court.

The Forum said the changes were announced even though the Government's own Migration Advisory Committee was reluctant to suggest retrospective changes for migrants already in the UK.

The Forum said that applying the rules retrospectively meant that many migrants coming from India and other non-EU countries will be deprived of their right to settlement even after fulfilling the rules under which they entered the country.