America’s top military leadership has acknowledged India’s steadying contributions to stability in its region, as also the holding of ministerial level talks between India and Pakistan.

The acknowledgment came from Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in his annual guidance for 2011 in which he reaffirmed that America’s strategic objective in the Af-Pak region is to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida and to prevent its return to either Afghanistan or Pakistan.

He Mullen also reiterated Pentagon’s commitment to develop a strong and enduring relationship with Pakistan.

“To this end, we also recognise India’s important role in South Central Asia, welcome its steadying contributions to regional stability, and applaud the ministerial talks between India and Pakistan.

“The next year will be critical, but our commitment to all our regional partners is enduring,” he said in his seven page signed guidance.

Admiral Mullen insisted that the troop surge had helped in the war against Taliban though a fundamental shift is yet to be achieved.

“The surge in US forces has helped arrest Taliban momentum in some places, though we have not yet seen a fundamental shift in momentum necessary to deny al-Qaida safe haven and prevent them from threatening US or ally interests,” he said.