The Lok Sabha on Wednesday cleared without discussion an amendment to the Lokpal Act, allowing extension in the deadline for filing asset declaration beyond July 31 to 50 lakh Central government employees and NGOs receiving government funds.

While the House provided immediate relief by approving the amendment to Section 44 of the Act, the provision will be examined in detail by a Parliamentary Standing Committee, said Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh, who moved the amendment for consideration.

Singh said the government had received representations from Members of Parliament and other stakeholders and on July 25 a delegation of MPs had met Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding deletion of the provision.

“Till the present impasse is overcome, the deadline with regard to government servants can be deferred,” Singh said as he moved amendments to the Act.

According to sources, some industry chambers and nominated MPs, such as Anu Agha in Rajya Sabha, had raised concerns over the disclosure clause for trustees and board members of NGOs.

The amendment relates to Section 44 of the Lokpal Act which deals with declaration of assets and provision of making the assets public.

Singh said the Standing Committee would give its recommendation before the next session of Parliament and till then the deadline for declaration of assets of public servants and NGOs can be deferred.