Cyient (formerly Infotech Enterprises) has registered revenues of Rs 672.4 crore in the second quarter ended September 30, 2014, showing a growth of 8.2 per cent over the revenues in the previous quarter.

The net profit stands at Rs 90 crore, or 31.6 per cent over the previous quarter. The company has a cash balance, including liquid investments, of Rs 718.4 crore. The company added 220 employees and 19 customers during the quarter.

“We have four consecutive quarters of robust quarter on quarter growth in revenues. While margins improved, there are still some operational levers that we are working to further improve margins,” Krishna Bodanapu, Managing Director and Chief Executive officer of Cyient, has said.

The Americas have shown a growth of 11.7 per cent for the company as the contribution from this geography went up to 63.9 per cent in the overall revenues as against 60.9 per cent in the previous quarter. The revenue pie from Europe, Middle-East, Africa and India came down to 27.4 per cent (29.3 per cent).

The contribution from Top-5 and Top-10 customers has reduced in the quarter.

The company has 12,759 employees at the end of the quarter. Though voluntary attrition reduced to 12.7 per cent (15.3 per cent), ‘involuntary’ attrition went up to 6.3 per cent from 2.2 per cent in the previous quarter.