Internet is not just a tool for information or connecting to friends and family but it also helps users gain confidence, according to a new study.

A global report released by research consultancy firm TNS said that about 52 per cent Indians surveyed reported a boost in their self-confidence thanks to Internet usage.

According to the study, consumers in fast growth markets are hungry for greater access to the Internet and once they have it, they find it quickly begins to change their lives.

Expanding opportunities

The findings show that as advances in infrastructure open up these markets to the Internet, newcomers to the Web world embrace its potential to expand the opportunities available to them.

When asked if the Internet helped to improve their self-confidence, just 12 per cent of those online in France and Germany agreed, compared to 42 per cent of Internet users in China, 52 per cent in India and 55 per cent in Vietnam. This peaks in Saudi Arabia where almost four out of five Internet users (79 per cent) feel more confident online.

According to the study, with this new-found confidence, people in fast-growth markets are finding their voice online – 44 per cent of the Internet population in Turkey are writing their own blog every week, as are 43 per cent in China and Mexico and 39 per cent in India.

Emotional connection

“We have seen that the Internet can become addictive. Some of the most engaged are those people in markets where Internet access has been limited. As soon as the infrastructure becomes available people make the most of it,” said Mr Matthew Froggatt, Chief Development Officer, TNS.

“Understanding this emotional connection to the Internet presents significant opportunity for companies who need to reach consumers in new markets to build their business,” he added.
