Tarun Katial, Chief Executive Officer, Reliance Broadcast Network, has said that for the broadcasting industries of radio and television, the industry is looking forward to clarity, uniformity and relief from taxes in the ensuing Budget. Advertisement in free-to-air mediums like radio should be treated differently and lower or nil service tax should apply, aligning with the print and out-of-home industries, Katial said.

Relaxed custom duty

Sharing his expectations on the Budget, he added that foreign direct investment in non-news radio operations needs to be on par with television broadcasting.

Also, customs duty on radio and television broadcast equipment should be relaxed, he said.

Stating that the industry is looking forward to some “necessary fiscal incentives in the form of removal or reduction of multiple taxes and levies and regulations which ensure transparency,” Katilal said the power of choice should be given to the end customer in this Budget.