Do you have a blog? If yes, do you update it regularly? The answer to these questions nowadays is a loud ‘No'. Twitter and Facebook are the ‘in' things now and updating blogs is no longer a priority for many. There are several who have switched over completely to Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

At the same time, there are people who still update blogs religiously. There are also several who have not one, but many blogs. Updating multiple blogs could be a pain, but there are software that help you do this. Windows Live Writer is one of them. Though it has been in existence for several years, it has come back into the limelight for one reason - there are rumours that the next version of Windows may not have it.

In a recent post (Cloud services for Windows 8 and Windows Phone: Windows Live, reimagined) in the Building Windows 8 blog, some bloggers found that there was no mention of Windows Live Writer at all and have now started a ‘Save Windows Live' campaign. The campaign involves signing a petition in and also using Twitter to spread the word using the #dontkillwlw hash tag. The petition has two suggestions for Microsoft. Firstly, release a metro style app that behaves in the same way as Live Writer and secondly, make Live Writer open source. If Microsoft decides to drop Live Writer from the next version of Windows, it could be because of the drop in the popularity of blogs. It is not clear what Microsoft's plans are for Live Writer, but if it is going to be shelved, it will be a sad day for all bloggers who use the program. And not surprisingly, many of them have the view that it is one of the best programs to come out of the Microsoft stable.