Nearly three-fourths or 73 per cent of the companies are prioritising investments in artificial intelligence (AI) over all other digital investments with the immediate focus on improving operational resilience in an unprecedented environment, according to a study by Accenture

The report, Reinventing Enterprise Operations, found that 90 per cent of business leaders are applying AI to tackle aspects of operational resilience such as finance (89 per cent) and supply chain (88 per cent).

The findings assessed organisations across six measures of operational maturity: AI, data, processes, talent, collaboration, and stakeholder experiences.

How to regulate AI?  How to regulate AI?  

“All CEOs are under pressure to digitise faster, achieve more resilience and find new pathways to growth. The right investments in technology while advancing talent, data, and processes is what drives a new performance frontier,” said Yusuf Tayob, group chief executive of Accenture Operations. 

With a talent strategy that mirrors data and digital maturity, enterprises achieved nearly three times higher productivity by investing in training and specialised skills.

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“To fully capture the opportunity, leaders should take these five actions—humanise AI experiences, data decisiveness, innovate processes, agile workforce and take a 360° approach—to evolve operations and achieve a new performance frontier,” the report said.