Echoing Nasscom’s forecast of a high single digit growth of IT and IT-enabled services for the current financial year, the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) estimated that the industry could see a growth rate of 8-10 per cent this year.

The Council, which works under the aegis of the Union Ministry of Commerce, felt that the hardware industry too will register a 7-8 per cent growth rate.

DK Sareen, Executive Director of the Council, said the performance of the industry so far this financial year had been healthy.

“The focus will be on business services, e-security, finance, banking, insurance, manufacturing, education and training, embedded software and animation,” he said. Sareen was here on Tuesday in connection with the upcoming Indiasoft event scheduled to be held here on February 4 and 5.

Indiasoft 2019

Promoted by the Council, the 19th edition of the expo is expected to attract delegates from over 60 countries. About 250 domestic and 20 international IT firms will showcase their products and services. “The two-day show will enable the Indian IT companies to diversify to new and emerging global markets and also assess the changing trends in the global market place and adapt to situations to be in the traction,” Sareen said.

“We expect that this year’s show in Hyderabad will have more business focus on account of the radical changes taking place across the world for digitisation and gradual penetration of internet,” he said.

“We are pursuing a policy to support the IT exporters to go up the value chain by exporting high-end software and complex solutions to the traditional markets such as the US and Europe and to penetrate intensely into the markets such as Japan, Latin America, Africa, SAARC and the Commonwealth of Independent States,” he said.