An iPhone hacking team has rolled out a new “jailbreak” for unlocking iPhone’s up to the latest iOS version iOS 13.5.

The jailbreak has been released by a renowned iPhone hacking group called the unc0ver team.

“#unc0ver v5.0.0 will be the first 0day jailbreak released since iOS 8!Every other jailbreak released since iOS 9 used 1day exploits that were either patched in the next beta version or the hardware. This will be a big milestone for jailbreaking,” a hacker from the team (@Pwn20wnd) had tweeted.

“#unc0ver v5.0.0 is NOW OUT,” they tweeted.

Apple has a “walled garden” approach to iPhones where it limits customizations to its phones by only allowing select apps and customizations on its phones.

Hackers have attempted to find workarounds allowing for more customization in the smartphone using previously known iOS vulnerabilities to break free from what is dubbed as Apple’s “jail,” hence the term “jailbreak.”

This is done by exploiting a previously known iOS vulnerability to break through these restrictions set by Apple and access the underlying software.

These restrictions are put in place for better security according to the tech giant, Hackers argue that jailbreaks will allow iPhone users to better customize their phones similar to Android users. Security experts, however, have argued against jailbreaks stating that it will allow more vulnerabilities to be exposed, thus putting security at risk, TechCrunch reported.

The latest jailbreak released by the unc0ver team works for all iPhones that run iOS 11 and above up to the recently released iOS 13.5.

The jailbreak might not work forever. It will be effective only till the time that Apple finds and patches the vulnerability that enables the jailbreak.