Intel sees an opportunity in partnering with and developing original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and original design manufacturing (ODM) ecosystem in the electronics manufacturing industry in India, according to Sandra Rivera, Executive Vice-President and General Manager, Data Center and AI Group, Intel.

The company is bullish on India, given its rapid digitisation, increasing number of data centers, and infrastructure development. Rivera notes that although India is a small market, it is growing and is expected to be a huge consumption market as well. She was talking at a Media Roundtable held in Bengaluru during her visit to the country.

“We plan to invest in the ecosystem and build partnerships with them to make sure that they can deliver products to market. Our OEMs and ODMs across the globe are investing in India, and Intel is also investing with them. Much of what we have done with the supply chain over the years in Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam and other places will now also take place in India,” said Rivera. 

data sovereignty

Intel has invested over $9 billion to date in India. Rivera said the company will also partner with customers as the company sees more data sovereignty in the region, and the infrastructure necessary for the same provides a growth opportunity. Additionally, it also sees room to build more data centers, enterprise solutions, and software ecosystems. 

The company has 14,000 employees in India, of which, 3,000 work for the DC&AI business. Rivera notes that Indian teams are critical for all the programs globally. “They are working on everything in the data center portfolio from hardware and silicon development perspective including CPUs, FPGAs, GPUs to AI accelerators,” she said.