Udacity, an online learning platform, has collaborated with Microsoft to confer scholarships for its all-new Machine Learning Nanodegree program in Microsoft Azure.

The new Udacity Machine Learning Scholarship Program for Microsoft Azure represents the first of several programs from Udacity and Microsoft to deliver training for Azure cloud services, the companies mentioned in the joint release.

The scholarship will be conferred in two phases. After reviewing the applications, 10,000 selected candidates will be enrolled to pursue the first phase of scholarship.

Companies mentioned that the phase begins with a two-month-long foundation course in Introduction to machine learning on Azure with a Low-code Experience. This is a single course focused on completing prerequisites for the full Nanodegree program where learners will be supported by a community moderated by Udacity.

A unique feature of this program is Azure Labs wherein students work on projects in live Azure environments directly within the Udacity classroom, the companies noted.

The top 300 performers from the foundation course will then be awarded the scholarship to the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program.

Speaking about the scholarships, Gabriel Dalporto, CEO of Udacity shared: “With the Artificial Intelligence continuing to grow at a fast pace and AI engineers in high demand, especially as more enterprises build new cloud applications and move old ones to the cloud, Udacity’s training program for Azure machine learning presents an amazing opportunity for those looking to further expand their skill set. We’re excited to partner with Microsoft to create professionals with these specialized skill sets.”

He added: “AI is driving transformation across organizations and there is increased demand for data science skills,” said Julia White, Corporate Vice President, Azure Marketing, Microsoft. “Through our collaboration with Udacity to offer low-code and advanced courses on Azure Machine Learning, we hope to expand data science expertise as experienced professionals will truly be invaluable resources to solving business problems.”