The National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) has developed an exclusive Covid-19 dashboard by using IT solutions and platforms provided by top IT and technology companies.

The dashboard, developed and delivered for the Telangana Government, will collect Covid-19 related datasets from a variety of sources – government departments, agencies, public sources and even from social media platforms.

“It will look around for all the information on Covid-19 being generated by over 30 government departments and agencies and provide it on a single dashboard,” a Nasscom executive said.

The solution was developed by the Nasscom Task Force which comprises about 35 IT and technology firms such as Intel, TCS, Accenture, Wipro, SAP and AWS.

“The platform will help the government in sustainable industry recovery and in taking informed decisions in managing the lockdown and phased release across the State,” Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India and VP Data Center Group, Intel and Lead Nasscom Task Force, said.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has given an opportunity to the world to re-imagine lives with technology. Digital transformation is demonstrating its value. We will develop solutions to fight this global crisis,” she said.

The Nasscom Taskforce also developed a Covid-19 India Vulnerability Map, which will provide real-time streaming of data about the pandemic, across regions and states in the country.

“The platform will source data from public sources that include select social channels, websites, blogs, forums and public data sets to create actionable reporting dashboards,” she said.

“It will allow the government to project insights sourced from the information with public datasets display on command centre screens,” he said.

“The external citizen facing dashboard will allow the government to project critical information to the public for transparency, awareness, and guidance,” she added.