In its efforts to reach out to maximum number of entrepreneurs, Nasscom is to open a start-up warehouse in Kochi. This will be in support of TBI Technopark and in strategic partnership with the Kerala Government.

The partnership was announced in the presence of P.H. Kurien, Principal Secretary, IT, Kerala Government at the second edition of Nasscom Product Conclave here on Friday.

Speaking on the occasion, Rajiv Vaishnav, Vice- President, Nasscom said that Kochi is rapidly evolving as the hub for Indian start-ups and Nasscom is confident that the city has the ability to create great advances to support the product start-ups ecosystem as well. Kochi is one front runner cities which have the potential to advance into a strong region for software products.

While the overall industry has been able to grow revenues by 1.8 times in the last five years, Kochi have surpassed the industry average growth with the support from growing business in varied verticals.

“Our focus with this will be to create opportunities for innovative product companies to showcase and promote their products”, he said.

The conclave served as a platform for emerging product companies to access knowledge and support available in the ecosystem. It provided a platform for global and Indian product industry, serial entrepreneurs, CIOs, investors, customers, VCs, angel investors, incubators, government officials and industry thought leaders to participate deliberate and actively engage with actionable insights for the product arena.