Opera Software has launched Opera Mini 8 with a night mode option that promises to make browsing during the nights easy. The new version gives a new look to basic phone users and BlackBerry OS phones.

“Browsing the Web on a bright mobile screen at night can feel a bit like looking into the sun. Opera Mini 8 includes a night mode that dims the effects of an ouch-that's-bright screen, using darker colours that are easy on your eyes. You can enable it in the settings menu,” Christian Uribe, Product Manager for Opera Mini, Opera Software, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Custom-made for the Java platform on basic phones or feature phones, Opera Mini has more than 250 million monthly users worldwide.

“About half of our 250 million Opera Mini users are on basic phones. It also helps users measure the quantum of their surfing. All your surfing is squeezed down to as little as 10 per cent of its original size,” he said.

The new version has a private mode too, allowing you to freely share your phone with others for Internet usage. “It supports private tabs that don’t save information once the open tab is closed. So, you can stay logged in on your main window, while your friends check out his or her account in a private tab,” he said.