Red Hat, Inc an open source solutions provider, has launched Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, an operating system designed to cover the breadth of deployments across enterprise IT.

The firm made this announcement on the inaugural day of the three-day Red Hat summit here.

“It’s redesigned for the hybrid cloud era and built to support the workloads and operations that stretch from enterprise data centres to multiple public clouds,” it said.

“For any workload running on any environment, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 gives one enterprise Linux experience,” Red Hat said.

The company said that there are huge economic benefits and it can generate new employment opportunities. Quoting an IDC study, Red Hat said software and applications running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux are expected to contribute to more than $10 trillion worth of global business revenues in 2019.

By the end of 2019, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux ecosystem will directly employ nearly 9,00,000 workers, with an additional 2,36,000 jobs added by 2023.

The Correspondent is in Boston at the invitation of Red Hat