SEMI India will host the third edition of SOLARCON India, the region’s premier solar business and technology focused industry exposition and international conference from November 9 to 11 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre in Hyderabad, India.

The theme for this year’s exposition, representing the widening solar value chain in India, will be “Showcasing the Solar eco-system: From polysilicon to power plants”.

SOLARCON India will also feature a certificate short course on “Grid Connected Solar PV Systems: Design and Integration” in technical collaboration with the prestigious National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education (NCPRE) at IIT Bombay.

The short course is part of a workforce development initiative determined as a priority by the SEMI India PV Advisory Committee to support the solar industry in India and the goals of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.

“As a trade association we believe in bringing together our members with industry leaders to work collaboratively on issues such as workforce development,” Mr. Debasish Paul Choudhury, President, SEMI India, said.

The SEMI India PV Advisory Committee represents companies that include manufacturers, equipment and materials suppliers, solar power project developers and academia, and connects the complete PV supply chain in India.