Microsoft Teams will soon support an integration with LinkedIn that will enable users to see their colleagues’ profiles within one-to-one chats.

“This means you can get to know more about your co-workers through the course of their on-boarding or even while working on a special project. LinkedIn profiles also help provide significant background information, work history, and links to blog posts,” Microsoft said in an official release.

The feature is expected to roll out in March 2022. It will be generally available to all global users across Microsoft Teams web and desktop versions.

How to use LinkedIn in Teams

Users can go to any one-on-one chat in Teams. There, they will see a LinkedIn tab. They can click on the tab and see that person’s experience, skills, endorsements, etc. 

While users can access LinkedIn profiles in Teams without connecting their LinkedIn and Microsoft accounts, they have the option to connect their LinkedIn and Microsoft accounts.

“If you choose to connect these accounts, you can discover more about a person in any one-on-one chat in Teams. Find out what you have in common with them, see your degrees of connection, and connect on LinkedIn without leaving Teams,” Microsoft said.

Users can click on the LinkedIn tab In Teams, within any one-on-one chat and select the Sign in option to connect their LinkedIn account. They will then have to connect their LinkedIn account to Microsoft apps. “To use LinkedIn in Teams, you need to share your LinkedIn account data with your Microsoft apps,” it explained.

Connecting their Microsoft account to LinkedIn will allow data from their Microsoft apps to be shared with LinkedIn to customise their LinkedIn experience. LinkedIn will import and store your contacts but won’t send invites without your permission. Or, select the profile of the person you’d like to connect with,” it said.

Another way to connect these two accounts is by selecting the profile of a user that they would like to connect with, click on Sign in and then connect their account.