Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK), an arm of HK, has asked the Indian start-ups to join a global competition it is conducting for the tiny firms. InvestHK, in association with The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), invited the start-ups to take part in the StartmeupHK Venture Programme. The competition is held in two categories. Category 1 targets early-to-growth stage ventures with sizeable revenues and customers, while Category 2 targets start-ups at prototype stage with no revenues or customers. The entrants will have to submit the online application form and a two-minute video on their idea by July 31, Charles Ng, Associate Director-General (Investment Promotions) of InvestHK, said. Hong Kong will pick 12 winners (nine in the first category and 3 in the second) across the globe that will be given prizes worth $500,000, a paid trip to the city and mentorship.